Get Involved

Be Their Voice
Elephants suffer immensely, an issue that nearly everyone can agree on. Despite the efforts of many organizations and individuals, it's still not enough. Imagine the impact if each of us showed an act of kindness to benefit and protect wildlife every day. Together, we can create an incredible impact and help those without a voice.
As long as people continue to pay for experiences, such as riding an elephant, watching them paint or perform, the cycle of abuse and death will continue.
Elephant abusers, like most owners of captive wildlife, will not do the right thing until the wrong thing stops being profitable, so PLEASE be conscious and aware if you are traveling in areas where elephant tourism is common.


Be An Educated Consumer

Shop responsibly and with purpose - support companies (like us) that promote products that benefit wildlife, ethical supply chains, recyclability, support local economies, and eco-friendly manufacturing practices.
Avoid products that harm animals and habitats.

Spread the Word

Stand up for wildlife! Your voice matters! Social media is a unique place where we can share the causes we champion. Give a shout out to an organization you love or organize an online fundraiser to help support a cause.

Stay Informed

The more you know, the more you can teach others about how their actions can have an impact on the environment and why it is important to protect the elephant population. Stay connected with us through email and social media to learn more about why elephants are so important to all of us!